(。>ω<)。こんちくゎぁぁ てらっちです。「大会の結果は、どうなってんだよぉおおw」
◇下剋上リーグ -2013.9.20-
○赤チーム:KARMA(Eihi Clowes/Nap Mint/kyo777)
●青チーム:Warriors(Tudy Araw/Luisito Avon/Haruka Lapis/Coral Runo)
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 2
Luisito Avon SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 3
kyo777 Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 3
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 3
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 4
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 4
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 4
kyo777 Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 4
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 5
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 6
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 7
Nap Mint SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 7
Coral Runo SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 8
kyo777 Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 8
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 8
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 8
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 1
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 2
tudy Araw SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 3
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 4
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 5
Nap Mint SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 5
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 6
kyo777 Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 6
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 6
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 7
Nap Mint SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 7
tudy Araw SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 8
tudy Araw SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 1
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 2
kyo777 Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 2
Luisito Avon SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 3
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 3
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 3
tudy Araw SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 4
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 5
kyo777 Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 5
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 5
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 5
kyo777 Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 5
tudy Araw SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 6
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 6
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 7
●赤チーム:Warriors(Tudy Araw/Luisito Avon/Haruka Lapis/Coral Runo)
○青チーム:RisingStars(ryu kamiguwa/orochi garzo/chako Mint)
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 2
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 3
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 4
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 5
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 6
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
chako Mint SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 2
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 3
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 4
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 5
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 6
○赤チーム:RisingStars(ryu kamiguwa/orochi garzo/chako Mint)
●青チーム:KARMA(Eihi Clowes/Nap Mint/kyo777)
Nap Mint SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 1
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 1
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 1
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 2
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 2
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 2
Nap Mint SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 3
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 3
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 4
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 4
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 4
Nap Mint SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 5
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 5
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 10 | BLUE: 5
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 11 | BLUE: 5
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 0
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 0
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 0
Eihi Clowes SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 1
Nap Mint SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 2
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 2
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 2
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 2
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 2
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 2
1位:RisingStars(ryu kamiguwa/orochi garzo/chako Mint) 決勝進出決定!
2位:KARMA(Eihi Clowes/Nap Mint/kyo777)
3位:Warriors(Tudy Araw/Luisito Avon/Haruka Lapis/Coral Runo)
◇決勝リーグ -2013.9.21-
○赤チーム:CRITICAL!(taiga nirvana/Super Noel/Yuka Theas/Harukana/Ranpo)
●青チーム:RisingStars(ryu kamiguwa/orochi garzo/chako Mint)
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 2
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 3
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 4
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 4
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 5
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 6
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 6
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 7
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 8
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
Taiga Nirvana SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 1
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 2
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 3
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 3
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 3
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 4
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 4
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 4
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 4
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 5
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 6
Taiga Nirvana SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 6
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 6
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 6
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 0
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 1
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 1
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 2
Taiga Nirvana SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 2
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 2
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 2
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 2
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 3
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 3
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 3
chako Mint SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 4
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 4
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 5
Taiga Nirvana SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 10 | BLUE: 5
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 10 | BLUE: 6
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 11 | BLUE: 6
Taiga Nirvana SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 12 | BLUE: 6
●赤チーム:RisingStars(ryu kamiguwa/orochi garzo/chako Mint)
○青チーム:orzbital(satoko Koba/obi Galli/Kachin Twine)
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 1
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 1
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 1
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 2
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 3
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 4
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 5
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 6
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 7
chako Mint SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 7
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 7
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 7
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 7
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 7
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 7
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 10 | BLUE: 7
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 10 | BLUE: 8
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 10 | BLUE: 9
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 0
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 0
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 0
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 0
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 0
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 1
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 2
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 3
chako Mint SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 3
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 4
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 5
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 6
chako Mint SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 6
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 7
chako Mint SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 7
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 8
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 9
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 10
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 10
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 11
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 12
Ryu Kamiguwa SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 10 | BLUE: 12
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
chako Mint SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 1
chako Mint SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 1
Satoko Koba SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 2
chako Mint SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 2
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 3
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 3
chako Mint SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 3
chako Mint SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 3
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 4
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 5
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 6
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 7
◆準決勝 第1試合
○赤チーム:ALTZ(Abraham Mohr/TOMATO Crystal/cocoa Telling/Qyasvaru Dawg)
●青チーム:orzbital(satoko Koba/obi Galli/Kachin Twine)
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
cocoa Telling SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 1
cocoa Telling SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 1
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 1
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 1
cocoa Telling SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 1
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 2
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 3
cocoa Telling SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 3
cocoa Telling SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 3
cocoa Telling SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 3
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 3
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 2
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 3
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 3
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 4
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 5
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 6
Satoko Koba SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 7
Kachin Twine SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 1
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 1
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 1
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 1
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 2
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 2
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 2
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 2
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 2
◆準決勝 第2試合
○赤チーム:CRITICAL!(taiga nirvana/Super Noel/Yuka Theas/Harukana/Ranpo)
●青チーム:ZUNDA(terra Asuter/Suika Manamiko/Hidejirou Denja/KodaKumi Popstar)
terra Auster SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 2
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 3
Suika Manamiko SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 4
Harukana Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 4
Harukana Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 4
terra Auster SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 5
Harukana Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 5
terra Auster SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 6
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 7
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 8
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 8
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 2
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 2
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 2
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 3
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 3
Taiga Nirvana SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 3
Taiga Nirvana SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 3
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 3
KodaKumi Popstar SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 4
Taiga Nirvana SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 4
terra Auster SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 5
terra Auster SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 6
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 6
terra Auster SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 7
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 1
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 2
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 0 | BLUE: 3
Taiga Nirvana SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 3
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 3
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 4
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 4
terra Auster SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 5
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 6
Taiga Nirvana SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 6
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 6
Taiga Nirvana SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 6
terra Auster SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 7
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 7
SUDDEN DEATH MODE: +2 minutes.
Super Noel SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 7
○赤チーム:ALTZ(Abraham Mohr/TOMATO Crystal/cocoa Telling/Qyasvaru Dawg)
●青チーム:CRITICAL!(taiga nirvana/Super Noel/Yuka Theas/Harukana/Ranpo)
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 0
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 1
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 1
Super Noel SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 2
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 2
Super Noel SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 4
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 4
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 4
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 4
Super Noel SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 6
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 6
Super Noel SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 7
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 7
Super Noel SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 8
SUDDEN DEATH MODE: +2 minutes.
Super Noel SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 9
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 0
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 1
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 1
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 1
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 1
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 1
Super Noel SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 2
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 3
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 3
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 3
Taiga Nirvana SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 4
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 4
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 4
Super Noel SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 5
Super Noel SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 6
Super Noel SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 7
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 10 | BLUE: 7
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 0
Taiga Nirvana SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 1 | BLUE: 1
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 2 | BLUE: 1
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 3 | BLUE: 1
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 1
Super Noel SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 4 | BLUE: 2
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 5 | BLUE: 2
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 2
Taiga Nirvana SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 6 | BLUE: 3
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 7 | BLUE: 3
TOMATO Crystal SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 3
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 4
Super Noel SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 5
Super Noel SCORES for the Blue Team / RED: 8 | BLUE: 6
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team / RED: 9 | BLUE: 6
優勝:ALTZ(Abraham Mohr/francesco Swizzle/TOMATO Crystal/cocoa Telling/Qyasvaru Dawg/Chriiith Scharfspitz)
準優勝:CRITICAL!(taiga nirvana/Super Noel/Yuka Theas/Harukana/Ranpo)
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