
抗争は次回にッ!!(続くの?) (Translation by Coral)

(*^・ェ・)ノ コンチャ♪まろんです。

+Bloody Rose+ 血の決戦!1 Day トーナメント』行ってきました。


練習でひでじーがダビド相手にテスラスキルの練習をやってしまったものだからもぉ大変(;^_^A アセアセ・・・

運命は時に非情」、ダビド、探偵くんの前にうちのチーム「ブラッディーマロン」が立ちはだかっちゃいました。プンプン( ̄^ ̄メ)\(_ _ ;)ハンセイ…

●赤チーム:A TEAM(tantei Burt/Davido Chrome/pon Xaron)
○青チーム:E TEAM(marroooon/Qyasvaru Dawg/xazukitanx)
RED: 8 | BLUE: 9
xazukitanx Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Blue Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Blue Team
Davido Chrome SCORES for the Red Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Blue Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Blue Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Blue Team
tantei Burt SCORES for the Red Team
xazukitanx Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
tantei Burt SCORES for the Red Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
Davido Chrome SCORES for the Red Team

RED: 8 | BLUE: 10
Davido Chrome SCORES for the Red Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Blue Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Blue Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
tantei Burt SCORES for the Red Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Blue Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team


●赤チーム:C TEAM(youko Scarpulla/Haruka Lapis/Ranpo)
○青チーム:B TEAM(Abraham Mohr/Kitto Sosa/Sudachee Vanderpoole)
RED: 9 | BLUE: 10
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Red Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Kitto Sosa SCORES for the Blue Team
Sudachee Vanderpoole SCORES for the Blue Team
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Sudachee Vanderpoole SCORES for the Blue Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Red Team
youko Scarpulla has the ball for Red Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Red Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Red Team
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Red Team

RED: 9 | BLUE: 3
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Red Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Red Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Red Team
Haruka Lapis SCORES for the Red Team

RED: 2 | BLUE: 3
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Ranpo Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Kitto Sosa SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Red Team


■準決勝 第1試合
●赤チーム:E TEAM(marroooon/Qyasvaru Dawg/xazukitanx)
○青チーム:D TEAM(Hidejirou Denja/chillaluna/Sakula Felisimo)
RED: 3 | BLUE: 9
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
Sakula Felisimo SCORES for the Blue Team
Sakula Felisimo SCORES for the Blue Team
Sakula Felisimo SCORES for the Blue Team
xazukitanx Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
xazukitanx Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
Sakula Felisimo SCORES for the Blue Team
Sakula Felisimo SCORES for the Blue Team

RED: 10 | BLUE: 8
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team
xazukitanx Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
Sakula Felisimo SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Red Team
xazukitanx Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team
ChillaLuna Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
xazukitanx Resident SCORES for the Red Team
ChillaLuna Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team
Sakula Felisimo SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team

RED: 0 | BLUE: 6
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
ChillaLuna Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
Sakula Felisimo SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team

まろん、アリーナ飛び出し地上に落下Σ(|||▽||| )


■準決勝 第2試合
●赤チーム:F TEAM(Selmaskye shieldmaiden/Mitumi arida/Coral Runo)
○青チーム:B TEAM(Abraham Mohr/Kitto Sosa/Sudachee Vanderpoole)
RED: 3 | BLUE: 9
Kitto Sosa SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Mitumi Arida SCORES for the Red Team
Kitto Sosa SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
SelmaSkye Shieldmaiden SCORES for the Red Team
Mitumi Arida SCORES for the Red Team
Kitto Sosa SCORES for the Blue Team
Kitto Sosa SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Sudachee Vanderpoole SCORES for the Blue Team

RED: 1 | BLUE: 7
SelmaSkye Shieldmaiden SCORES for the Red Team
Kitto Sosa SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Kitto Sosa SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Blue Team


●赤チーム:B TEAM(Abraham Mohr/Kitto Sosa/Sudachee Vanderpoole)
○青チーム:D TEAM(Hidejirou Denja/chillaluna/Sakula Felisimo)
RED: 5 | BLUE: 11
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
ChillaLuna Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team
Kitto Sosa SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team
ChillaLuna Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
Abraham Mohr SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
ChillaLuna Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team

RED: 0 | BLUE: 6
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
Sakula Felisimo SCORES for the Blue Team
Sakula Felisimo SCORES for the Blue Team
Sakula Felisimo SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Blue Team
ChillaLuna Resident SCORES for the Blue Team



優勝:D TEAM(Hidejirou Denja/chillaluna/Sakula Felisimo)
準優勝:B TEAM(Abraham Mohr/Kitto Sosa/Sudachee Vanderpoole)

1) Abraham Mohr(25) ・・・得点王
2) Hidejirou Denja(22) 
3) Qyasvaru Dawg(13)
4) marroooon(12)
5) Sakula Felisimo(11)
6) pon Xaron(10)
7) Ranpo(9)
7) Kitto Sosa(9)
9) xazukitanx(7)
9) ChillaLuna(7)
10) youko Scarpulla(6)


◆MVP(女性部門):Kitto Sosa


◆アリーナ建造協力者賞:Davido Chrome

◆ナイスアシスト賞:Coral Runo

◆MV珍:tantei Burt

◆特別MV珍賞:Sudachee Vanderpoole


おつかれさまでしたー。楽しんだぁーー♪~♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪~♪ランラン

探偵「第2回大会は、じいをぶったおす!( ̄へ  ̄ 凸」


乱歩「いつもきくきがするな。そのやりとり・・柱| ̄m ̄) ウププッ」


探偵「なくてもじいをぶったおします!(○`ε´○)プンプン!! 」



スーパー「はっはっは、こいつめーゞ(キ▼ー▼)ゞ よせやい!」

まろん「なんだ、このやりとり┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌ フゥゥ~」

ちらるな「今のツボッた あひゃひゃひゃひゃ(≧∀≦*)」


[[[ The Results of The Bloody Battle by Bloody Rose Tournament! ]]]]

In this tournament, "Beat Hidejirou!" created a sensation. Tantei was eager to have a showdown with Hide, but his desire ended in failure. Here are the results below. About the detail of scores, see terra's blog.

The 1st game;
Red: Team A (tantei Burt/Davido Chrome/pon Xaron)
Blue: Team E (marroooon/Qyasvaru Dawg/xazukitanx)Blue won by 9-8.
Blue won by 10-8.

Team A defeated before they defeat Hide. marroooon was extremely proud of beating tantei!

The 2nd game;
Red: Team C (youko Scarpulla/Haruka Lapis/Ranpo)
Blue: Team B (Abraham Mohr/Kitto Sosa/Sudachee Vanderpoole)Blue won by 10-9.
Red won by 9-3.
Blue won by 3-2.

Abe's large scores led the team to success. He always does such a great job!

The semi-final 1;
Red: Team E (marroooon/Qyasvaru Dawg/xazukitanx)
Blue: Team D (Hidejirou Denja/chillaluna/Sakula Felisimo)Blue won by 9-3.
Red won by 10-8.
Blue won by 6-0.

Suddenly, marroooon leaped out of the arena and fell to the ground. Hide said "She always meets with funny accidents." Super said "Nobody can do like her." marroooon said "Unavoidable!"

The semi-final 2;
Red: Team F (Selmaskye shieldmaiden/Mitumi arida/Coral Runo)
Blue: Team B (Abraham Mohr/Kitto Sosa/Sudachee Vanderpoole)Blue won by 9-3.
Blue won by 7-1.

"I came, I saw, I controlled." - by Coral. X(
Kitto, who has returned to SIMball after a while, run with lightning speed!

The final;
Red: Team B (Abraham Mohr/Kitto Sosa/Sudachee Vanderpoole)
Blue: Team D (Hidejirou Denja/chillaluna/Sakula Felisimo)Blue won by 11-5.
Blue won by 6-0.
Team D finally had victory in their grasp. Praise them for their courage!

- - - - - - - - - -

The winner: Team D (Hidejirou Denja/chillaluna/Sakula Felisimo)The runner-up: Team B (Abraham Mohr/Kitto Sosa/Sudachee Vanderpoole)

The largest scorer: Abraham Mohr (25 scores)
Players on the heels of Abe;
Hidejirou Denja (22)
Qyasvaru Dawg (13)

marroooon (12)
Sakula Felisimo (11)
pon Xaron (10)
Ranpo (9)
Kitto Sosa (9)
xazukitanx (7)
ChillaLuna (7)
youko Scarpulla (6)

- - - - - - - - - -

Prizes that Qyasvaru decided at his own discretion;

MVP (female): Kitto Sosa

MVP (male): Ranpo

Comical MVP: tantei Burt

MVP as an exception for her persistence attacks: Sudachee Vanderpoole

Davido Chrome was given a prize for his cooperation in building this new arena.

Coral Runo was given a prize for her assistance in translation.

Congrats! :D

- - - - - - - - - -

Thank you for great games, and the organizer, Qyasvaru and xazukitanx! We trust you enjoyed this tournament.

Tantei "In the next tournament, for certain, I beat Hide!"
Hidejirou "I will pay attention to you 10 years later, tantei."
Ranpo "A periodic conversation, haha"
marroooon "tantei should beat me before making a challenge to Hide."
tantei "Nah, I'm gonna skip it! Beat Hide!"
Super "Ok, how about this, you collect interested players for beating Hide."
Hide "I will let pretty girls beat me, sweetie."
Super "Bleah!"
marroooon "I've heard all I want to hear about that."
chillaluna "You guys make me roar with laughter!"

All translated from terra's blog http://terra-auster.blogspot.jp/ (Jp)

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