
The result of the Halloween Tournament!

Hiya, did you guys enjoy the fancy-dressed tournament? We've never had such a lot of entrants before, so some players might feel 5 minute games weren't entirely satisfactory. But We're so happy that everybody was in a fully worked-out costumes, thank you! :)

First of all, we introduce the 10 best players of high scoring.
 1. Ryu Kamiguwa(25)
 2. Hidejirou Denja(16)
 3. marroooon(13)
 4. Taiga Nirvana(8)
 5. Kira Zobel(7)
 6. Dizzan Humburg(5)
 7. SelmaSkye Shieldmaiden(4)
 7. Mitumi Arida(4)
 7. Harukana(4)
 7. pon Xaron(4)

[The 1st match]
 Red: Team C (tantei Burt/0mizuki0/xazukitanx)
 Blue: Team A (Hidejirou Denja/SelmaSkye Shieldmaiden/Sudachee Vanderpoole)

Blue won by 4 to 1.
 SelmaSkye Shieldmaiden scores for the Blue Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Blue Team
 tantei Burt scores for the Red Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Blue Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Blue Team

Blue won by 5 to 2.
 tantei Burt has the ball for Red Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Blue Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Blue Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Blue Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Blue Team
 SelmaSkye Shieldmaiden scores for the Blue Team

 tantei Burt scores for the Red Team

Team A was good at controlling the pace of games!

[The 2nd match]
 Red: Team E (Qyasvaru Dawg/Ranpo/YATAKARASU Aya)
 Blue: Team B (Dizzan Humburg/Kira Zobel/Sakula Felisimo)

Red won by 5 to 3.
 Ranpo Resident scores for the Red Team
 Kira Zobel scores for the Blue Team
 Kira Zobel scores for the Blue Team

 Qyasvaru Dawg scores for the Red Team
 Qyasvaru Dawg scores for the Red Team

 Kira Zobel scores for the Blue Team
 Dizzan Humburg scores for the Blue Team
 Kira Zobel scores for the Blue Team

Red won by 5 to 2.
 Qyasvaru Dawg has the ball for Red Team
 Dizzan Humburg scores for the Blue Team
 Ranpo Resident scores for the Red Team
 Sakula Felisimo scores for the Blue Team
 Kira Zobel scores for the Blue Team
 Dizzan Humburg scores for the Blue Team
 Dizzan Humburg scores for the Blue Team

Dizzy and Kira were the strongest primates!

[The 3rd match]
 Red: Team F (Ryu Kamiguwa/Mitumi Arida/Taiga Nirvana)
 Blue: Team H (orochi Garzo/Haruka Lapis/akira Zelin)

Red won by 7 to 3.
 Mitumi Arida scores for the Red Team
 Taiga Nirvana scores for the Red Team
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team
 Mitumi Arida scores for the Red Team
 Taiga Nirvana scores for the Red Team

 orochi Garzo scores for the Blue Team
 orochi Garzo scores for the Blue Team

 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team
 orochi Garzo scores for the Blue Team
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team

Red won by 5 to 3.
 Taiga Nirvana scores for the Red Team
 Mitumi Arida scores for the Red Team
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team

 Haruka Lapis scores for the Blue Team
 akira Zelin scores for the Blue Team

 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team
 Ryu Kamiguwa has the ball for Red Team

 Haruka Lapis scores for the Blue Team

Ryu the captain of the team F, who could raid the goal from all directions, defeated orochi who had kept the championship for 3 times running.

[The 4th match]
 Red: Team G (Abraham Mohr/ChillaLuna/Coral Runo)
 Blue: Team D (marroooon/pon Xaron/Harukana)

Blue won by 5 to 2.
 Harukana Resident scores for the Blue Team
 Harukana Resident scores for the Blue Team
 Harukana Resident scores for the Blue Team
 marroooon Resident scores for the Blue Team
 marroooon Resident scores for the Blue Team

 Abraham Mohr scores for the Red Team
 Abraham Mohr scores for the Red Team

Blue won by 6 to 2.
 pon Xaron scores for the Blue Team
 marroooon Resident scores for the Blue Team
 marroooon Resident scores for the Blue Team
 marroooon Resident scores for the Blue Team
 marroooon Resident scores for the Blue Team

 Abraham Mohr scores for the Red Team
 ChillaLuna Resident scores for the Red Team

 marroooon Resident scores for the Blue Team

Abe, the captain of team G, was prevented from team D's attack.

[The semi-final]
 Red: Team A (Hidejirou Denja/SelmaSkye Shieldmaiden/Sudachee Vanderpoole)
 Blue: Team B (Dizzan Humburg/Kira Zobel/Sakula Felisimo)

Red won by 4 to 3.
 Kira Zobel scores for the Blue Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Red Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Red Team

 Dizzan Humburg scores for the Blue Team
 SelmaSkye Shieldmaiden scores for the Red Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Red Team

 Kira Zobel scores for the Blue Team

Red won by 6 to 0.
 Sudachee Vanderpoole scores for the Red Team
 Sudachee Vanderpoole scores for the Red Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Red Team
 Sudachee Vanderpoole scores for the Red Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Red Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Red Team

Sudachee, I love you! ♥

[The semi-final]
 Red: Team F (Ryu Kamiguwa/Mitumi Arida/Taiga Nirvana)
 Blue: Team D (marroooon/pon Xaron/Harukana)

Red won by 5 to 4.
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team
 pon Xaron scores for the Blue Team
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team
 pon Xaron scores for the Blue Team
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team

 marroooon Resident scores for the Blue Team
 marroooon Resident scores for the Blue Team

 SUDDEN DEATH MODE: +2 minutes.
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team

Blue won by 5 to 4.
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team
 Harukana Resident scores for the Blue Team
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team

 marroooon Resident scores for the Blue Team
 marroooon Resident scores for the Blue Team

 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team
 marroooon Resident scores for the Blue Team
 pon Xaron scores for the Blue Team

Red won by 7 to 1.
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team
 Taiga Nirvana scores for the Red Team

 marroooon Resident scores for the Blue Team
 Taiga Nirvana scores for the Red Team
 Taiga Nirvana scores for the Red Team
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Red Team
 Mitumi Arida scores for the Red Team

marroooon's controlling games always end up petering out! X(

[The final]
 Red: Team A (Hidejirou Denja/SelmaSkye Shieldmaiden/Sudachee Vanderpoole)
 Blue: Team F (Ryu Kamiguwa/Mitumi Arida/Taiga Nirvana)

Blue won by 5 to 1.
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Blue Team
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Blue Team
 Taiga Nirvana scores for the Blue Team

 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Red Team
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Blue Team
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Blue Team

Blue won by 4 to 3.
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Blue Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Red Team
 Hidejirou Denja scores for the Red Team

 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Blue Team
 Taiga Nirvana scores for the Blue Team

 SelmaSkye Shieldmaiden scores for the Red Team
 SUDDEN DEATH MODE: +2 minutes.
 Ryu Kamiguwa scores for the Blue Team

Ryu and Taiga have victory in ther grasp!

[The victor]
 Team F (Ryu Kamiguwa/Mitumi Arida/Taiga Nirvana)
[The runner-up]
 Red: Team A (Hidejirou Denja/SelmaSkye Shieldmaiden/Sudachee Vanderpoole)
Please accept our sincere congratulations on your victory, team F!! :D
And everybody, you can use our Halloween Special Arena until 31/October. Successively, let's decide the champion 2012 at "In The Court Of The Crimson King Championship".
Also, take a look at terra's blog to see some funny-haha pictures of the tournament. http://terra-auster.blogspot.jp/

(Translated from terra's blog by Coral Runo)

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