TEAM-B(Qyasvaru Dawg / pon Xaron / Coral Runo)
●青チーム:TEAM-C(tantei Burt / Lil Delicioso / YATAKARASU Aya)
RED: 0 | BLUE: 6
Lil Delicioso SCORES for the Blue Team
tantei Burt SCORES for the Blue Team
tantei Burt SCORES for the Blue Team
tantei Burt SCORES for the Blue Team
tantei Burt SCORES for the Blue Team
tantei Burt SCORES for the Blue Team
RED: 6 | BLUE: 3
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
YATAKARASU Aya SCORES for the Blue Team
tantei Burt SCORES for the Blue Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
Lil Delicioso SCORES for the Blue Team
RED: 8 | BLUE: 6
tantei Burt SCORES for the Blue Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team
Lil Delicioso SCORES for the Blue Team
YATAKARASU Aya SCORES for the Blue Team
tantei Burt SCORES for the Blue Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team
tantei Burt SCORES for the Blue Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team
tantei Burt SCORES for the Blue Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team
リルのダンクが(≧∇≦)b Good!!
TEAM-E(obi Galli / 0mizuki0 / marroooon)
●青チーム:TEAM-F(Davido Chrome / lan Ferraris / ruriazule)
RED: 7 | BLUE: 3
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Red Team
ruriazule Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Red Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Red Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Red Team
ruriazule Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
Davido Chrome SCORES for the Blue Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Red Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Red Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Red Team
RED: 7 | BLUE: 4
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Red Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Red Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Red Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Red Team
Davido Chrome SCORES for the Blue Team
lan Ferraris SCORES for the Blue Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Davido Chrome SCORES for the Blue Team
0mizuki0 Resident SCORES for the Red Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Red Team
Davido Chrome SCORES for the Blue Team
TEAM-A(Hidejirou Denja / KodaKumi Popstar / harunyan21th Camel)
●青チーム:TEAM-B(Qyasvaru Dawg / pon Xaron / Coral Runo)
RED: 9 | BLUE: 5
pon Xaron SCORES for the Blue Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Blue Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
KodaKumi Popstar SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
KodaKumi Popstar SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
RED: 6 | BLUE: 0
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
KodaKumi Popstar SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
GT DUAL大会を制したひでじー組が、勢いそのままに初戦突破!!
TEAM-D(orochi Garzo / youko Scarpulla / Sudachee Vanderpoole)
●青チーム:TEAM-E(obi Galli / 0mizuki0 / marroooon)
RED: 8 | BLUE: 7
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Red Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Red Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team
0mizuki0 Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Red Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Red Team
RED: 10 | BLUE: 6
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Red Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team
Sudachee Vanderpoole SCORES for the Red Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Red Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Red Team
●赤チーム:TEAM-B(Qyasvaru Dawg / pon Xaron / Coral Runo)
TEAM-E(obi Galli / 0mizuki0 / marroooon)
RED: 2 | BLUE: 3
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team
RED: 4 | BLUE: 2
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team
pon Xaron SCORES for the Red Team
RED: 1 | BLUE: 5
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team
Qyasvaru Dawg SCORES for the Red Team
obi Galli SCORES for the Blue Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
marroooon Resident SCORES for the Blue Team
●赤チーム:TEAM-A(Hidejirou Denja / KodaKumi Popstar / harunyan21th Camel)
TEAM-D(orochi Garzo / youko Scarpulla / Sudachee Vanderpoole)
RED: 3 | BLUE: 9
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Blue Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Blue Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Blue Team
RED: 6 | BLUE: 12
KodaKumi Popstar SCORES for the Red Team
KodaKumi Popstar SCORES for the Red Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Blue Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Blue Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team
KodaKumi Popstar SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
Hidejirou Denja SCORES for the Red Team
youko Scarpulla SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team
orochi Garzo SCORES for the Blue Team
しかし!!そこに割って入った うみんちゅ・陽子が大暴れ!!
優勝:[TEAM-D]orochi Garzo / youko Scarpulla / Sudachee Vanderpoole
準優勝:[TEAM-A]Hidejirou Denja / KodaKumi Popstar / harunyan21th Camel
3位:[TEAM-E]obi Galli / 0mizuki0 / marroooon